'viral'에 해당되는 글 18건

  1. 2010.10.27 AXE : Tiens-toi prêt !
  2. 2010.03.18 MTV Dance
  3. 2010.03.18 Amazing blue shipping container camera
  4. 2010.03.12 Nike True City Full Trailer
  5. 2008.10.23 놀라운 중심잡기
Posted by okii
2010. 3. 18. 16:06
A selection of trailers/identitys for MTV Dance, carried out by the excellent Parisian studio View. An effective variation, in five 12 second spots, around abstract elements.

MTV DANCE - BEACH 12" from ICC on Vimeo.

Posted by okii

This huge camera has been made out of a shipping container and a wireless link to a nearby screen! Check out http://www.cr8yourworld.com for more ideas and madness!
Posted by okii

Nike Sportswear just released Nike True City: an iPhone app that provides unique insights into the six European cities London, Paris, Berlin, Milan, Amsterdam, and Barcelona. The new app tells you exactly where it all happens in any of these city and the accompanying video stunningly shows how the app works:

Posted by okii

쉬워 보이나요?
자..한번 해보세요...^^

ps. 유튜브에서 시리즈로 올라오고 있는 이영상물들은 ellesse
바이럴일 가능성이 매우 높습니다.
업로드 유저의 국적도 미국으로 되어있습니다만,
사실 이 영상들은 국내에서 제작된 영상입니다.
Posted by okii
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